Better Fonts Privacy Policy

Better Fonts by Daneco Ltd. – Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. In this privacy policy, we let you know what information we collect when you use our applications (the “Apps”), why we collect it and how we use it to improve your experience.



We DO NOT collect any of the personal information that you type. When you allow full access for Better Fonts Keyboard, you may be warned by iOS that the keyboard may be able to collect all the text you type, including credit card and street address. This is the standard warning message for all third-party input methods. Better Fonts Keyboard does not collect any personal information that you type into your Better Fonts Keyboard or upload any such information to the server.

We DO collect certain information from your mobile device, including but not limited to the following:

• Location Information that allows us to periodically determine your location, including your location relative to and within third party merchant locations.

• Device and Usage Information that may include (i) information specific to your mobile device (e.g., make, model, operating system, advertising identifier and similar information); (ii) information about your use of features, functions, or notifications on the device; and (iii) signal strength relating to WiFi or Bluetooth functionality, temperature, battery level, and similar technical data. We may collect this information even if you are not logged in to the application.

PLEASE NOTE: For iOS users, you are able to adjust the settings on your iOS mobile device to prevent our collection of Location Information by disabling the location services feature on your device.

How We Use the Information We Collect:

We use the information to:

• Operate and improve our services;

• Provide user and other support, including to our third-party business partners;

• Provide you with information when you enter participating local venues; and

• Carry out other purposes that are disclosed to you and to which you consent.



Ways We Disclose and Share the Information We Collect:

We share the information we collect with third-party business partners who commit to comply with applicable laws concerning their usage of the information. Our third-party business partners may share the information with their own third party business partners and use the information either for themselves or on behalf of their own business partners to:

• Operate and improve their services;

• Provide you with advertisements and information for products and services in this app or on other apps or websites based on variables such as your location, and assess your level of engagement with them; and

• Carry out other purposes that are disclosed to you and to which you consent.



Some of the features (including font adding, font removing, choosing themes) of Better Fonts Keyboard needs you to enable “allow full access”. Our apps need the access in order to read theme, language data and setting information from the Better Fonts setting app. Better Fonts will only read data that from itself, no personal information will be read or stored.



Changes in this policy will be posted on our websites. You are advised to check our websites regularly to view our most recent privacy policy.